
Have You Thought of Playing Games When All Else Fails?
by Carolyn Forte There are days when nothing seems to work. The children can’t concentrate on math and complain loudly about the writing assignment. They constantly invent excuses to leave their work. Even their favorite books...

When All Else Fails, Have You Tried Using Games?
There are days when nothing seems to work. The question is: what will you do? Games?

Does Your Child Think Mathematically?
As math curriculums push advanced concepts at younger and younger ages, parents have become increasingly concerned with their children’s mathematical progress. This tends to result in an increasingly frantic search for just the right math curriculum

Does Your Child Still Struggle with Reading and Learning?
By Dr. Karen Chao It can be very frustrating to watch your child struggle with reading despite all of your hard work and best efforts to help. Searching for answers can sometimes be even more difficult. Is your child an auditory...

Math Struggles and Solutions
Math Struggles and Solutions by Carolyn Forte You may be surprised to learn that the teaching of “math” has changed dramatically in the last half century. Beginning in the 1960’s, algebra and other elements of higher math have been inserted in...

Can Your Curriculum Kill Your Child’s Love of Learning?
A Priceless Opportunity By Carolyn Forte Take a close look at our school system. All students are required to take the same course of study with only minor variations allowed. Little time is provided for exploration outside the defined curriculum and...

Unit Study on Freedom
Patriotic Unit Study by Carolyn Forte Excellence In Education Do you know the history of our American Flag? Do you know what it symbolizes? How about the Pledge of Allegiance? This is a fascinating study for the whole family that goes far...